Friday, October 18, 2013

Calculating the anticipated yield of the fixed deposit

Fixed deposit is one among the schemes introduced by banks to persuade people to deposit their hard-earned money for a particular period of time. Though the interest on fixed deposits offered by banks are less than other private financial institutions, banks offer a guarantee for your deposited sum. Before depositing the amount in the fixed deposit schemes you can calculate the anticipated yield by making use of a fixed deposit calculator.

Almost all banks and private financial institutions operating fixed deposit schemes feature their concerned fixed deposit calculator on their official website. Just by entering the principal amount deposited in the fixed deposit scheme, the interest rate and the period of deposit, you can calculate the expected yield of the fixed deposit by making use of the fixed deposit calculator. You can even calculate the yield by making use of financial calculators or Excel spreadsheets.

Summary: An online fixed deposit calculator enables the depositor to calculate the anticipated amount of the fixed deposit.

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